Scientists make alarming discovery about health impact of drinking bottled water

Scientists make alarming discovery about health impact of drinking bottled water — here's what you need to know

As more plastic waste is being released into the environment, microplastics in drinking water and food are being ingested by humans, causing damage to internal organs after being absorbed through the digestive system. That's most notably occurring in the kidneys, as found in a study published by Communications Biology.

What's happening?

The study has found that microplastics — tiny plastic particles less than 5 millimeters in length — are the primary carriers of the environmental pollutant Benzo[a]pyrene into the body. The specific pathways are not fully understood, but there is evidence that BaP is being absorbed primarily through the intestines after oral ingestion, posing health risks.

The study has found that bottled water is the main source of microplastics, doing damage to the intestinal wall and kidneys and causing systemic inflammation.

Why are microplastics in the environment an issue?

Microplastics in the environment are causing a big problem since they are nearly impossible to clean up because of their tiny size. They have been found in the stomachs of humans and animals, as well as in the air, soil, tap water, food, and drinks. They are also accumulating in our oceans, causing damage to coral reefs and oceanic ecosystems. The effects of microplastics are still being studied, so we don't yet know the full extent of the potential risks to the environment or human health.


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