Protect your staff and customers at your bank or finance office with the MedicAir® 2.0 Air Purifier
The need for proper ventilation and air purification is widely acknowledged since the COVID-19 pandemic, and most banks still have not improved air quality or ventilation since the pandemic.
Barclays acknowledges that air pollution is the world’s fourth biggest killer. This is why thousands of retail and office environments including banks and banking offices trust MedicAir® 6-Stage Air Purifier for its performance and ability to effectively improve indoor air quality.
Why choose MedicAir® by Platinum Air Care™ in your bank?
Trusted by Hospitals
Medical grade technology created by medical professionals and trusted by thousands of healthcare facilities.
Easy to use
The MedicAir® “ReAKT” technology automatically detects and cleans your room.
Effective everywhere
Used in larger and open spaces thanks to its 605 cubic meters air flow capacity.
Tested by multiple World Leading Labs
The MedicAir® has been tested by multiple accredited world-leading labs to ensure its effectiveness in removing harmful airborne contamination.
The Air Purification Solution for the Finance Sector
From the local bank branch to the downtown fiance office; bank managers, tellers, clerks, analysts, specialists, consultants, investors, directors, and so much more have never been more reassured when protected by MedicAir®. Studies show the benefits of air purification for offices and employees, MedicAir® is proven to improve indoor air quality.

Banks deals with hundreds of people each week
And it’s a false belief that the plexiglass barricade thoroughly protects us from virus transmission. It can of course protect you from a direct cough, but when it comes to suspended particles, barriers may make things worse by changing the room’s airflow. This is because airflow, ventilation, and air purification remove the suspended particles from the air by drawing them out.
Sick building syndrome is more common than we think
Sick building syndrome is easily described as a sick building, or rather a building that harbors viruses, bacteria, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) inside of it. The definition is widely used in regard to workplace environments and is caused by poor indoor air quality (IAQ). Individuals may experience more frequent headaches and dizziness, nausea, aches and pains, fatigue, shortness of breath, ear, nose, and throat irritations, and more when suffering from the sick-building syndrome.
The prevention of sick building syndrome necessitates a building that can maintain low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Most building designs are old and outdated and lack the proper ventilation necessary to reduce sick building syndrome. This is one reason that the need for air purifiers in banking environments was due before the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
The best HEPA air purifier for banks and finance offices
Unlike other air filtration systems, the MedicAir® is more effective with 6-stages of medical-grade filtration, tested by multiple renowned facilities to ensure performance, and is used by thousands of professionals, and residential and commercial environments to improve indoor air quality.
Banks protect our finances, but what about indoor air quality?
It was observed that indoor air quality in banks, specifically that of the “teller area” and “consulting area” have higher concentrations of PM, VOCs, and CO2 in the air, even more so in the winter months. This is purely due to a lack of proper and adequate ventilation and/or air purification.
Protection against all airborne pathogens
The MedicAir® is proven to be extremely successful in purifying the air by removing dangerous suspended airborne particulates.
Many viruses (e.g. novel coronavirus) and other pathogens are so small that they are able to remain in the air for extended periods after someone sneezes, coughs or talks. Without proper ventilation and filtration, these suspended impurities linger in the lobby, teller area, lounge, break room, consultation office, and more.
Improved productivity and reduced absence of workers from the workplace
Acceptable indoor air quality starts with MedicAir®.

Air purification in finance offices and banks helps to eliminate airborne contamination
Sick building syndrome
As the name implies, sick building syndrome (SBS) is when the building itself is sick, or holds many VOCs, viruses, bacteria, etc which rotate throughout the building increasing the rate of sickness for occupants. A common symptom of SBS is an increased frequency of headaches and/or dizziness.
Infectious agents
Bankers are exposed to many individuals daily who can transmit bacterial and viral particles during their visit. Particulates and microbes become airborne through coughing, sneezing, or simply talking. These particulates are suspended in the air and linger for long periods of time without proper ventilation or air filtration in place.
Odors & other chemicals
Everyday items, cleaning supplies, materials, and more have the potential to offload chemicals. Even the bank printer emits hazardous particles, and according to this article, the amount of small particles you can inhale from two to three feet from a printer is like sitting next to a person that smokes.
The best brands and facilities choose the MedicAir® Air Purification System

UK Innovate 2020 Grant Winners
MedicAir® Research and Development team has been rewarded with Innovate UK fund to deploy their expertise even further within the world of airborne contamination. Winning the 2020 Grant enabled ground breaking research which led to the development of the MedicAir® 2.0.
What are you waiting for?
Schedule a free quote and consultation at your banking branch for the MedicAir® 2.0 today.
We ship across North America. Fill out the contact form or call us directly at (519) 686-3595 or Toll-Free at 1 (877) 339-4701