Dear Sir,

“Just a note to inform you of our pleasure in purchasing your RespirAide last May. My husband suffers from several allergies and I am very concerned about the air quality in my new home particularly, in light of the fact that we have a two year old child. At first I felt that the machine was not operating as expected, but, over a few days I saw a significant increase in my husband's health. In fact, his resistance to allergens has greatly improved. He's also much more tolerant (allergy wise) around our cats, and we sleep more restfully. Now I know that our daughter has better protection against household pollutants, and that in itself is more comforting. We clean the unit on a regular basis and have never failed to be amazed at the filth that this machine has removed from our environment. I am employed in a restaurant and after busy shifts can't wait to get home to my clean environment and allow my lungs to rest. Even the odor of cigarette smoke on my work clothing is removed by the machine which makes my non-smoking husband very pleased.

Thank-you again and we wish you all continued success with the sale of your units.”

- Tara G. from Keswick Ontario


To Platinum Air Care - Thank you so much for coming


To the fine people at Platinum Air Care